Praza do Reló 1, A Guarda, Postalcode36780
Phone: 986 610 000
Fax: 986 610 283
From Highways and Works Councillorship we are carrying out several actuations on the different streets and paths of our Council aimed at improving their status and providing them with the necessary services.
On this matter we have undertaken humanization works on several streets of the helmet but also in the different neighborhood ways. The latter with the main purpose of improving water sanitation and supply networks while we use to provide them with networks and thus reduce the water input to the sewage treatment plant and therefore the expense.
In the same way we have undertaken works aimed to improve our parks, sport, cultural and social installations and even the creation of other new ones as you can see inside this site.
The purpose of this councillorship is to continue working in this direction and for it we have several projects that will be executed throughout this year and that we relate in the section of committed works.
We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the bothers that the execution of these works are causing and appreciate your understanding.
Thank you.
The Councilor of Highways and Works
Miguel A. Español Otero