- Praza do Reló 1, A Guarda, Postalcode 36780
- Phone: 986 610 025 / 606 452 655
- Email: policialocal@aguarda.es
- Fax: 986 610 283
Horario de lúns a venres: |
Inverno: de 08:30 horas a 21:00 horas |
Verán: de 08:30 horas a 21:00 horas |
Horario de sábados |
Inverno: de 08:00 horas a 14:00 horas |
Verán: de 08:00 horas a 14:00 horas |
The Local Police from A Guarda, from the beginning at the end of the 19th century to the present day, has been providing within the framework of the Law Security Forces and Corps, its functions of Traffic, Administrative Police, Citizen Security and Judicial Police with clear vocation of help, protection and assistance to A Guarda citizens.
According to Article 53 of Organic Law 2/1986 of March 13, of Forces and Security Bodies, the local police bodies must exercise the following functions:
- Document that certifies the coexistence of a group of people in the same domicile.
- Documentation to be presented: Spanish ID Card
-Report that certifies the residence of the applicant in a specific address, as well as coexistence with the rest of the people who reside there.
-Documentation to be presented: Spanish ID card.
-Through this process the car park for loading and unloading is authorized, for works and merchandise of any kind, in areas restricted by the Municipal Ordinance.
-Processed in the Tax Management office.
Authorization for parking in a reserved area for the -disabled.
-Documentation to present: Spanish ID card, Medical Disability Report, Vehicle documentation and a photograph.
-In order to be able to carry and use the weapons of category 4 out of the domicile, they will have to be documented singularly by means of a card of arms, that will accompany them in any case.
– Category 4.1.- Carabines and pistols, of semi-automatic and repeating shots, and double-action simple revolvers, operated by air or other compressed gas not assimilated to shotguns.
-Category 4.2.- Carabines and pistols, of smooth or raided moss, and of a single shot, and revolvers of simple action, operated by air or other compressed gas not assimilated to shotguns.
-Documentation to be presented: Photocopy of the Spanish ID card, Refusal of purchase of the weapon.
-To renew the Spanish ID card in A Guarda, it is necessary to go through the Local Police to give them the number and the date in which it must be presented to renew it.
-Documentation to be presented: Spanish ID card.